
Hey everyone. My name is Stacy. I just wanted to put some things out there! Here are some things that I have learned along the way. Always treat others the way you want to be treated even if you are not fond of the person. Even a smile goes a long way.  Sometimes you have to pick your battles. I have learned that there is no use in arguing over the little things. Let things go.

You have to learn to stand up for what you believe in. I have been learning that if you know what you what you want in life you have to go for it. Sometimes it may take a bit to find out what you want. You cannot just always sit on the side lines. Other people are not going to know what you are thinking if you don’t speak up. I have been getting frustrated with a certain situation. I was hoping that this situation would resolve itself but it is not and it has gotten worse.

My words of wisdom in this note to you all is find something that you are passionate about and keep with it.

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